CloudFerro has prepared an additional service for users who have their own infrastructure and want to use the full potential of S3 protocol.
S3 protocol allows for remote transfer data from CREODIAS Archive (almost 20PB of Copernicus satellites data).
Please note that the access to Copernicus data is always open and free for everybody.
Within the CREODIAS cloud, users can use the data for free via rich multiple access interfaces like object s3, nfs, zipped download. All registered users can benefit from free download of zipped Copernicus products from anywhere in the world.
The additional commercial service „CloudFerro Remote Transfer for EODATA” regards object S3 transfer of EODATA to a remote customer anywhere in the world. A user pays for S3 transfer to his location.
More information on CREODIAS.
If you have any questions about this additional service, please