Multi-project management tools
Advanced management
enabling users separation
Our customers are offered a wide range of tools to manage users in the same way that public cloud clients are managed. These tools guarantee security, separation, and billability, and they are scalable as the infrastructure grows.
Experience in
complex solutions
Complete set
of proprietary tools
identity providers
A private cloud guaranteeing the same level of separation as a public cloud
In the public cloud, every user is separated from others by mechanisms that guarantee privacy and safeguard customers. As part of our services, we offer tools that enable you to create a public service in your private cloud with guaranteed separation identical to that in a public cloud.
Experience in implementing complex solutions
CloudFerro regularly launches large cloud platforms. Our team’s experience means that it delivers its services as promised, and the procedures it develops and implements ensure that high quality is maintained.
A complete set of proprietary service management and billing tools
Our proprietary software for user management, service billing, and sales allows you to automatically register users, allocate and run resources, account for resource consumption, and respond to change requests. This software is being continually developed for our public clouds, and customers receive regular functionality updates and upgrades throughout the term of the services.
Integration with third-party identity providers
We can integrate your cloud with your user base or your customers' databases. This is why administrators and operators do not have to create separate accounts. Integration with other services is also available so that they can be managed using our control panel.
Easy scalability and scale adjustment
Our solutions grow as your environment grows. For small private clouds, we suggest the XaaS model, featuring the management and billing that forms part of our infrastructure. We install a dedicated environment in the server room where the cloud is located once a certain scale is reached. This environment can grow linearly as the infrastructure grows.
The CODE-DE platform has been providing access to Copernicus data and services in Germany since the beginning of 2017. This enables the processing of Earth observation data sourced under the European Copernicus program. Access to the CODE-DE platform is free of charge for government administrations and scientific centers.
As part of our activities, we provide and maintain components of the user and resources management control panels. Today, our deployments and offers come as a standard with software for sales, management, and billing of resources.
Any software that we create and maintain is covered by our safety certificates and our liability insurance policy. This proves the high standard of our operations and enables our customers to have their infrastructure certified as required by their internal rules.