Why CloudFerro
CloudFerro is a provider
of innovative cloud services.
CloudFerro provides cutting-edge cloud services. We deliver and operate cloud computing platforms for specialized market segments such as the European space sector, climate research and science. Our broad experience in storing and processing big data sets includes multipetabyte repositories of Earth Observation satellite data.
We offer cost-effective, open-source-based, flexible cloud solutions in a public, private or hybrid model, customized to meet user needs. Our extensive range of ancillary services and dedicated technical support is delivered by an experienced, local team with unique competences.
Our customers
CloudFerro has been trusted by leading European firms and scientific institutions from various big-data-processing market sectors, including the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Mercator Ocean International, German Aerospace Centre (DLR), the EGI and many others.
European company
We are a European company in every aspect of our business, from legal aspects and fulfilled standards to the location of our data centers and the customer service team.
Collaboration with science and organizations
We work with over 20 scientific institutions and research centers across Europe, such as the European Space Research Institute, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Institut des Geosciences de l'Environnement - Université Grenoble Alpes, Polish Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, UiT the Arctic University of Norway and others.
We are a member of the European Open Science Cloud and cloud provider of the OCRE project, enabling funding of cloud services for science.
CloudFerro belongs to such organizations as EARSC (European Association of Remote Sensing Companies), ZPSK (Association of Space Sector Employers), AHK (Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce). We are a member of Copernicus Relays - a network of companies and institutions that are ambassadors of Copernicus Earth Observation Programme and help to promote it.
CloudFerro, as one of the first companies from Poland, is engaged in the GAIA-X - European Society for Data and Cloud.
Our values
Technological courage
We are boldly looking for new solutions, we are open to a variety of unconventional ideas, we develop innovations. We take calculated risks, always keeping in mind the safety of our services - we do not act recklessly.
Long term relationships
We strive to be a trusted, long-term technological partner for our clients, every single member of our team is oriented to delivering value to our clients. We act with integrity and in accordance with high ethical standards.
We focus on the creativity and diversity of our teams, benefiting from the wealth of experience and inspiring one another. We value acting for the benefit of the entire team and thinking in terms of the entire company, putting customer value first.
Our Team
We have an experienced local team for whom professional customer service is a priority. Most of our employees are system engineers and developers. We provide technical support 12 hours a day, 5 days a week.
The foundation of CloudFerro is experienced management that has been successfully operating in the IT and telecommunications industry for over 20 years. Meet our Board.
CloudFerro in numbers