Test our services
Choose our platform and check its capabilities
Do you want to test your application quickly and easily? Try one of our cloud platforms that best suits your profile.
Public cloud with an integrated repository of satellite images from Copernicus program.
It is equipped with a range of applications that allow users to search, view and process satellite products. The architecture of the environment gives users access to a variety of remote sensing data and computational resources to process them, guaranteeing simplicity, scalability and repeatability of processes and production chains. You can obtain a free test credit and be able to run cloud computing and storage tools worth 150 Euro.
Public cloud based on Openstack and CEPH, designed and developed in Poland.
As it operators, we are aware that launching services in the new cloud must be preceded by tests. It is important for us that our clients are fully aware of how it works and thoroughly check the benefits of our solutions. Cloudferro.com as a platform dedicated to business users provides test environments with access to satellite data. We grant 75 euros for testing purposes within our infrastructure. Contact us to find out more about free tests and to receive relevant resources on our infrastructure.
CloudFerro platforms advantages:
Scalable pay per use services
Instant, automated infrastructure provisioning
Complete freedom of development - bring your own OS, libraries, tools and frameworks
Easy to deploy environments for development, tests and production
Free credits for new users, limited free services for all
Immediate availability of up-to date Earth Observation data
EO processing tools readily available on the platform
Your platform usage for EO-related projects may be externally financed