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HMD - virtual machines
with ultra fast NVMe drives


New configuration of virtual machines with local NVMe drives



We are regularly expanding our portfolio of available types for virtual machines. This time we introduce new configurations with ultra-fast, local, NVMe storage - HMD.

This family of VM offers next-level disc performance for VMs previously available only in DS configurations (Dedicated server virtual machines).

The new configurations with local storage offer more than 10x better IOPS performance and 10x lower write and read times comparing to the previously available virtual machines. We decided on the new configurations to keep the CPU to RAM ratio aligned with HM line. 


HMDs are designed for such applications as:

  • data processing requiring fast local cache,
  • control nodes for Kubernetes clusters with fast storage for etcd,
  • very fast data entry, handling of events from IoT devices,
  • very fast saving of calculation results,
  • hosting nonrelational databases.


While the input and output files are valuable assets and are typically stored as S3 objects, a very fast location designed for saving of logs, intermediate files storage, partial data files, or even small chunks of results on hi-performance storage can significantly improve processing time and optimize the use of infrastructure.

The new storage is the first ephemeral storage in our offer, its use is subject to several limitations such as lack of shelving or being limited to only one disc per VM. Be sure to read the material available in our knowledge base. 

You can order servers in the Pay-per-use model through the OpenStack API or Horaizon or in long contracts through our e-commerce system.

If you want to learn more about the performance of different types of discs, check out a special article that we have published.