Your cloud
for big data
We have unique competencies in providing cloud computing services and processing big data sets. We create cloud computing for specialized markets. Our customers receive specialized services customized to their needs and support in choosing the right resources for their projects, they get a wide spectrum of additional services and dedicated technical support.
Our experience
In particular, we are one of the largest cloud service providers for the European space sector. We operate two of the five DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) platforms that provide Earth observation satellite data services under the Copernicus program.
Our clients include, among others
such European tycoons as:
European Space
Agency (ESA)
at the request of ESA, we provide cloud computing services with an integrated satellite data repository, the size of which exceeds 34 petabytes of data
European Center for Medium-Term
Forecasts (ECMWF)
we provide hybrid cloud computing services providing access to climate data, climate analyzes, forecasts, and indicators in time and space scales
commissioned by European organizations involved in the operation of meteorological satellites, oceanology research, and weather forecasts, we provide hybrid cloud computing services, providing access to satellite data, in particular for monitoring the marine, terrestrial, atmosphere and climate
German Space
Agency (DLR)
we provide services that provide access to the CODE-DE (the Copernicus Data and Exploitation Platform Germany) platform combining access to Earth observation data with flexible processing
We work with over 20 scientific institutions and research centers across Europe, such as the European Space Research Institute, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Institut des Geosciences de l'Environnement - Université Grenoble Alpes, Polish Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, UiT the Arctic University of Norway and others.
We are a member of the European Open Science Cloud.
We belong to such organizations as EARSC (European Association of Remote Sensing Companies), ZPSK (Association of Space Sector Employers), AHK (Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce).
Elastic solutions - just the way you need it!
At CloudFerro we have strong competence in creating elastic solutions in the public, private and hybrid cloud model, tailored to the needs of the user, for various markets and applications, for organizations of all sizes. We provide effective cost models, a wide spectrum of additional services, and dedicated technical support, implemented by an experienced local team of specialists with unique competencies.
Build your world with us!
Free yourself from the complexity of the infrastructure, expand your potential!